20th June 2010 21:33 UTC
Add Link to Components Page
I'm attempting to add a link to the "Components Page" but I can't seem to figure it out.
Similar to this example:
But this example pertains to the "Welcome Page"
Any help would be appreciated.
21st June 2010 04:42 UTC
That example assumes you're using MUI1. If you're using MUI2, you can add a link control for example through editing the appriopriate header file in NSIS\Contrib\Modern UI 2.
21st June 2010 06:00 UTC
Ok, thanks.
I found a solution, I just used reshacker, seemed to work.
Afrow UK
21st June 2010 11:56 UTC
Using Resource Hacker with Linker should be the only way. The components page does not use nsDialogs.
23rd June 2010 04:02 UTC
You may use the System plugin to create one:
Before creating, first you should get the position of another control and calculate a position using the gotten coordinate for the new control.
FindWindow $0 "#32770" "" $HWNDPARENT
GetDlgItem $1 $0 control_id
!insertmacro GetDlgItemRect $1 $2 $3 $4 $0 $1
IntOp $2 $2 + 15
!insertmacro CreateLinker "View my site" $1 $2 50 8 $0 1600 ""
Maybe you would destroy some control and put yours there:
GetDlgItem $1 $0 control_id
System::Call 'User32::DestroyWindow(i r1)'
Some macro written by bluenet:
ButtonLinker plugin is a joint one with the ButtonEvent and the Linker plugin.
In the following macro, you may replace it with the linker plugin.
23rd June 2010 04:25 UTC
I write an example. It destroy the "Space Required" text on components page and create a link there.
This example needs the "Linker" plugin. If you don't have this plugin, download it yourself first.
4th August 2010 17:34 UTC
I need exactly this for my MUI2 Installation.
Unfortunalety, your example isn't working on my system ("go to google" is shown, but nothing happens when I click on it)
Windows Vista, latest nsis installation, linker 1.1 plugin
10th October 2010 08:53 UTC
The zip with version 1.1 of the linker plug-in is no longer online, and I can't find it with google. Could someone please recompile and reupload it, preferably directly into the wiki this time?
Edit: Or maybe someone still has v1.1 lying around and can upload it?
12th August 2013 10:10 UTC
Thanx a lot, Jiake!
Would you please add an example with a button instead of link?
Many thanks.