Archive: Required space in multiple directory pages

Required space in multiple directory pages
Hi all,
I saw that multiple installation directories have been discussed regularily, but I didn't find this question answered:
When using MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY twice (or more time), is there a way to adapt the amount of storage space required which is diplayed at the bottom left? E.g. the application itself could be installed to C:\Programs while the application configuration is installed to D:\somePath. Currently I'm told that I need several MBs on D: too although the configuration data is just a few kB.
Alternatively is there a way to disable that display because the calculation of the required space may be quite complicated? ;-)

The spaces texts will be calculated depending on the currently selected sections. If you want different space texts on each directory page, you will need to split the components installed to each directory into separate sections and ensure section 1 is deselected before directory page 1 and the section 2 is deselected before directory page 2.

For your other question:


Works, thanks
Sorry for the late response, had been on holiday. The latter solution works great for me as I have several installation directories so the first one would be an overkill for me ;-)