Archive: x64 - Get full path of running process

x64 - Get full path of running process

Is there any working plugin or function to get the full path of an running process under x64?

For x86 (32bit) OS this can be done very easy using "ProcFunc.nsh" and "${GetProcessPath}" but under x64 OS seems there is no working solution as "ProcFunc.nsh" is based on PSAPI which will fail on every x64 OS?


I'm working on it.


Thanks Afrow

Please let me know when this is done as I really need it and seems there is no working solution available.

The function I added is FindProcess (as well as EnumProcesses among other updates).


Great plugin but seems not yet compatible with x64
Tested your examples on Win 7 x64 and every time I get:

Win32 Error: Code 740.
The requested operation requires elevation.

I'm running Windows 7 x64 and I did not have that problem. Can you show me a screenshot?


You're right! Your LockedList Plugin din not have any problem with x64.

That error comes from HM NIS Editor installed on 7 x64 when using Shift + F9 to compile and run the script but if I run the installer manually there is no error and your plugin works as expected in x64.

Thank you again for your great work with this plugin.