Archive: compile NSIS script from a batch file

compile NSIS script from a batch file
salam guyz

i cant compile my NSIS script through a batch file, i just know that we write in the .bat file our compiler and then the script file but useless plz help..

Make sure you use makensis.exe and not makensisw.exe.


it didnt wrok, plz write me the whole .bat file content i did like this:

path..\makensis.ese path...\test.nsi

but dose not work

That is correct. If the batch is not working then check your paths are valid and that you wrap paths containing spaces in quotes.

"C:\Program Files (x86)\NSIS\makensis.exe" script.nsi
(assuming the batch file is in the same folder as your script).


Afrow, I must say you're a courageous man... thanks for helping people out..

Yeah, I don't really mind stupid questions too much, but absence of any kind of grammar or punctuation is usually where I draw the line. kudos that you can bear it.

Thanks guys :)
