13th July 2010 16:58 UTC
Bad characters(<>?:) in $INSTDIR variable
I noticed that if I entered bad characters(<>?:) in the installation directory MUI page, the $INSTDIR variable skips those bad characters. I want to warn user that they have entered an invalid path name, so is there a way to get the raw string from installation directory page? Thanks in advance.
13th July 2010 17:18 UTC
Figured it out, just do not use $INSTDIR to catch directory from MUI
I assigned $R1 instead
15th July 2010 06:45 UTC
Use StringFilter to filter these symbols: '/:*?"<>|'
; Stores the first two symbols to $R1
StrCpy $R1 $INSTDIR 2
; Others to $INSTDIR
; {StrFilter} "[string]" "[options]" "[symbols1]" "[symbols2]" $var
; You can create your own rule by modifying the list of symbols include or exclude
; Delete illegal symbols from $INSTDIR
; Note there is a space after ')', for a blank space is valid in path
${StrFilter} $INSTDIR 12 '.\{}[]() ' '/:*?"<>|' $INSTDIR
; Replace continuous spaces with one space
${WordReplace} $INSTDIR ' ' ' ' '+*' $INSTDIR
${WordReplace} $INSTDIR ' ' ' ' '+' $INSTDIR
; Replace continuous dots with one dot
${WordReplace} $INSTDIR '..' '.' '+*' $INSTDIR
${WordReplace} $INSTDIR '..' '.' '+' $INSTDIR
; A dot at the end of a folder name is invalid
${WordReplace} $INSTDIR '.\' '\' '+*' $INSTDIR
${WordReplace} $INSTDIR '.\' '\' '+' $INSTDIR
; Replace continuous backsplashes with one backsplash
${WordReplace} $INSTDIR '\\' '\' '+*' $INSTDIR
${WordReplace} $INSTDIR '\\' '\' '+' $INSTDIR
; A space at the begening of a folder name is invalid
${WordReplace} $INSTDIR ' \' '\' '+*' $INSTDIR
${WordReplace} $INSTDIR ' \' '\' '+' $INSTDIR
; A space at the end of a folder name is invalid
${WordReplace} $INSTDIR '\ ' '\' '+*' $INSTDIR
${WordReplace} $INSTDIR '\ ' '\' '+' $INSTDIR
; Join to full path
Before: D:\AB CD [{] / |\ ...\.E !@ / } <] \ / F \ \\\ \df .}.1. ///fff\ff ?f>\ 1 2d ff] \
After: D:\AB CD [{]\.E } ]\F\df .}.1. fff\ff f\1 2d ff]
This is the snapshot of an example using the code:
15th July 2010 15:12 UTC
I think bensmatt was referring to $INSTDIR being one of the special internal variables that NSIS treats as a file path, which automatically strips illegal characters. The same way one might use...
Push $PathToClean
Pop $PathToClean
This presents the developer with a problem if they want to warn the user about illegal characters, as they are already filtered before you can detect them.
I.e. execute the following, and try to enter the illegal path: c:\*.*
OutFile "test.exe"
Page Directory
Function .onVerifyInstDir
The MessageBox will state that "$INSTDIR = c:\.". Thus you can't detect the asterisks having been entered. Note that these asterisks -are- still present in the actual directory text field, of course. So to the end-user, there doesn't seem to be anything amiss.
If instead you use:
OutFile "test.exe"
Var varInstDir
PageEx Directory
DirVar $varInstDir
Function .onVerifyInstDir
MessageBox MB_OK "$$varInstDir = $varInstDir"
Then the behavior is more like what you might expect. You could then use that to adjust the path and warn the user; though more easily done from a custom page, the basic principles are the same.