Archive: Issues with EXECWAIT... ?

Issues with EXECWAIT... ?
I am calling two other installers from my NSIS installer.

One works fine. The other won't launch.

I checked the spelling, path, played with quotes etc etc.
I even changed the order, putting the second one first etc. Didn't work.

Any ideas why the first one works, and the other doesn't !?
(The DVD Styler one works)

MessageBox MB_YESNO "Do you now want to install the DVD Styler? Press YES to install or NO to skip." /SD IDYES IDNO endStylerInstall
ExecWait "$DESKTOP\DVDStyler-1.8.1-win32.exe"
Goto endStylerInstall

MessageBox MB_YESNO "We have copied the image files to your hard drive. Do you now want to install the Prism Video file converter? Press YES to install or NO to skip." /SD IDYES IDNO endPrismInstall
ExecWait "$DESKTOP\Prism-Installer-1.1.exe"
Goto endPrismInstall

Other than testing ExecWait '"$DESKTOP\Prism-Installer-1.1.exe"' (Proper quotes) The only other suggestion I have is to monitor the whole thing with Process Monitor from Sysinternals to make sure it finds the file and is able to access it etc

(Your goto's are pointless in the posted code but should not matter as far as the problem goes)

I have a similar problem, im launching two installers from the nsis installer i just create, in two different steps.

The first installer it's executed fine, but when it finish my nsis installer closes, what should i do?

SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\"
ExecWait '"folder\install.exe"'
Goto init