Archive: how to integerate all steps of the installation in one custom page

how to integerate all steps of the installation in one custom page
I want to process the installation in one custom page using nsDialogs. Now i can add a custom page and hide the default buttons (cancel, next). In the OnClick function of a custom button with the text "Install", I send BM_CLICK to the hided next button to turn to the instfiles page. But how to integrate and customize the instfiles page in my own page with a custom progress?

Thanks in advance!

Not so easy.

You can certainly make your own custom page with a progressbar (and a listview, etc.), and use a function to install the files (using File etc. just as you would inside a Section) - but it's a fair bit of hassle.
Simpler would be to create a custom UI altogether (similar to how ModernUI, ******odernUI, etc. are custom UIs) and customize the existing InstFiles type page.

thanks for your reply
the first method will block the main thread, maybe i could create a new thread to install files. Another question is how to get the progress position.

and for the second one, i have downloaded the InstallSpider and ******odernUI, hope i can find a good solution for my problem, thank you very much