Custiomised Installer - please help
I'm new to NSIS Installer scripts. I have about 100 odd servers on which i have to manually uninstall the older version of a software and install a new one.
i have managed to write up the following code. Can u please guide me how i can achieve the steps underlined in red
;Define Application name
name 'New Software Install'
;Define Installer name
outFile "\\<Server 1>\c$\Documents and Settings\VikasNarasimha\Desktop\Software-Install\Software-"
set environmental path like in DOS command, the following is the path
set PATH=%SystemRoot%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727;%PATH%
Change Directory
cd "c:\PROGRAM FILES\Software-Install\Software1.0.1.4\"
Unregister a .dll associated to the older version in the above directory
regasm /u /tlb Software4.dll
; Uninstall section
Section "Uninstall"
Delete $INSTDIR\Software- ; should delete older version
; Install section
Section "Install"
InstallDir "\\<Server 2>\c$\PROGRAM FILES\Software-Install\Software1.0.1.5\"
setOutPath $INSTDIR
set environmental path like in DOS command, the following is the path
set PATH=%SystemRoot%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727;%PATH%
Change Directory
cd "c:\PROGRAM FILES\Software-Install\Software1.0.1.5\"
Register a .dll associated to the newer version in the above directory
regasm /u /tlb Software5.dll