Archive: Custiomised Installer - please help

Custiomised Installer - please help
I'm new to NSIS Installer scripts. I have about 100 odd servers on which i have to manually uninstall the older version of a software and install a new one.
i have managed to write up the following code. Can u please guide me how i can achieve the steps underlined in red

;Define Application name
name 'New Software Install'

;Define Installer name
outFile "\\<Server 1>\c$\Documents and Settings\VikasNarasimha\Desktop\Software-Install\Software-"

set environmental path like in DOS command, the following is the path
set PATH=%SystemRoot%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727;%PATH%

Change Directory
cd "c:\PROGRAM FILES\Software-Install\Software1.0.1.4\"

Unregister a .dll associated to the older version in the above directory
regasm /u /tlb Software4.dll

; Uninstall section
Section "Uninstall"
Delete $INSTDIR\Software- ; should delete older version

; Install section
Section "Install"
InstallDir "\\<Server 2>\c$\PROGRAM FILES\Software-Install\Software1.0.1.5\"
setOutPath $INSTDIR

set environmental path like in DOS command, the following is the path
set PATH=%SystemRoot%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727;%PATH%

Change Directory
cd "c:\PROGRAM FILES\Software-Install\Software1.0.1.5\"

Register a .dll associated to the newer version in the above directory
regasm /u /tlb Software5.dll

You can use the nsExec plugin, or some other exec plugins, to execute regasm. I'm not familiar with regasm specifically, but I'd expect you don't really need to set the working directory. Just add the path before the filename.

As for setting an environment variable, that's been asked before. You can find the solution using the Search function.