Archive: FINISHPAGE - deactivating the checkbox ... ?

FINISHPAGE - deactivating the checkbox ... ?
I have been told that we should launch the ReadMe.pdf instructions when we exit the installer.
The boss really, really wants them to read it.

So, at the moment I have a checkbox [/] Read Instructions
But the user can uncheck the box (as happened today and it led to his confusion on what he should do next).

We want the checkbox to appear but for it to be de-activated so the user cannot check or uncheck it. It stays checked no matter what.

Any ideas?

You can use the function EnableWindow to disable a control.

If you use MUI, the handle to the checkbox is:

You should disable the control in the SHOW callback function of the finishpage.

I thing that what you are looking for is this:

;this event is run on the finish event if installer has success
Function .onInstSuccess
ExecShell "Open" "$INSTDIR\MyDPF.pdf"

Originally posted by Bansaw
We want the checkbox to appear but for it to be de-activated so the user cannot check or uncheck it. It stays checked no matter what.
The checkbox will not show with your solution...