Archive: Customizing button behavior?

Customizing button behavior?
While working on an installer that has many custom pages and features many different products(1 page per product) I was asked to replace the "I Accept and want to install..." checkboxes with buttons in such way that instead of Next button there should be 2 buttons "Accept" and "Decline", where Accept button will add the product to the installation list, and decline button will just skip to the next page with next product.

The problem is that I can't find any way to add new buttons on the bottom part or modify the behavior of current once. I know it is possible to have buttons inside pages, but that's not what I am looking for. Ideally Id like to have custom buttons on bottom with custom custom code. If anyone knows how to achieve this, or has any suggestions please help.

Thanks for attention.

You can rename the buttons in the page's SHOW function. Please use the search function to find details.

You can also use the search function to find information on changing the Cancel behavior. (Hint: search for 'cancel', search titles only, search in the NSIS discussion forum only, show results as Threads.)

Thanks a lot MSG, following your advice I found Override <Cancel> button action? post that pretty much did the trick.