Archive: Http downloads from custom page

Http downloads from custom page

I have been struggling to find away to do the following: I need the installer to download two extra files during the installation process. The download is conditional on some user choices.

I know I can use inetc to download stuff, the problem is that I want the download to start after a user hits Next on one page, then a new page will open with ony the progress bar in the middle of the page with some text above it, like "downloading stuff please wait" - no boring stats, kb/s etc needed. Once the download is completed the page sill automatically skip to the next page.

I know I can use inetc to popup a box with the progress, I know I can also use it with conjunction to instfiles page - but these are not the UI I am looking for.

Any ideas?

Use inetc in another installer executable with just an InstFiles page and extract and run that within your main installer (make sure you use ReserveFile on it as well so that it is extracted promptly).


Stu, thanks but I am not sure I am following, if I use In InstFiles wouldn't it be the same if I use it within the instlaler or in a separate one?

My problem with InstFiles is that I seem to have minimal control over the UI, the way InstFiles handles Inetc download is that it displays the Inetc progress bar around the bottom of the screen and it also displays the InstFiles progress bar on the top which is redundant and meaningless in this case.

I could not find a way to customize InstFiles to make it display just the Inetc info and nothing else.

You need to hide the progress bar using ShowWindow and ${SW_HIDE}. The control ID can be found by opening up Contrib\UIs\modern.exe with Resource Hacker.

The point of putting it in another installer is you can then run the download whenever you like as opposed to just the InstFiles page in your main installer.


Thanks! works like a charm