Archive: SelfDel plugin crashes on Win7 64Bit

SelfDel plugin crashes on Win7 64Bit

I am facing a problem with the SelfDel plugin for NSIS on machines with win 7 64 bit. i am not sure which is the problem win 7 or 64bit.

It works very well unter win xp.

Can any one help with a (alternative) solution?


If the installer is small, you can use the same trick that NSIS uninstallers use: Copy the exe to the temp folder, run that with the original $exepath as a parameter, exit the original exe, and in .onInstSuccess delete the original.

Don't post another topic.


how is deleted then the copy ... or you still have it in the temp folder...

Yes, it will be left behind in the temp folder. That's why this should only be used for very small files.

nice solution but it is not the one i am looking for. i cannot let the copy into the temp folder. thanks though.

There isn't really any other way that I can think of. Even SelfDel injects code into a new instance of explorer.exe which waits until it can delete your chosen file. SelfDel will not work on 64-bit because the explorer.exe process is 64-bit and NSIS is not. Unless NSIS becomes 64-bit (which is not any time soon) then you have no choice but to write your own plug-in or executable to act like SelfDel does.


what if you write out a batch file on first installer run that re-runs the installer (with a flag so you can differentiate between initial run and full run), deletes the installer and deletes itself.. run that and exit the initial installer?
batch files can self-destruct.. the parser will complain about the batch file no longer existing, but that's kinda the point?

You could use a VBS as well which will run hidden and can also delete itself leaving no trace.


The SelfDel plugin should be changed and use rundll32.exe and not explorer

SelfDel may not work on Vista, 2008, Win7 because of security limitations. And Afrow is right - no way to attach 32-bit thread to 64-bit process.

Hi adriatik,have you found some solution ?
I have the same problem and I tought to create a exe with nsis,pack it in original installer,drop it to TEMP then call it with EXEC command and pass main installer path,something like this :

!include FileFunc.nsh

>!include "WordFunc.nsh"

>Name "Example1"

>OutFile "example1.exe"

>RequestExecutionLevel user
>!insertmacro GetParameters

Section ""
SetAutoClose true
SetOverwrite on

;File example1.nsi

>Function .onInit
var /GLOBAL cmdLineParams
Push $R0
${GetParameters} $cmdLineParams
StrCmp $cmdLineParams"" lblExit
StrCmp $cmdLineParams"/S" lblExit

${WordReplace} $cmdLineParams "/S" "" "+" $cmdLineParams
IfFileExists"$cmdLineParams" 0 lblExit
sleep 2000
delete $cmdLineParams

Is it a good way ?
Thanks !

I've update the code,this works fine on XP


>!include "WordFunc.nsh"

>Name "dlfile"

>OutFile "dlfile.exe"

>RequestExecutionLevel user
>!insertmacro GetParameters

Section ""
SetAutoClose true
SetOverwrite on


>Function .onInit
var /GLOBAL cmdLineParams
Push $R0
${GetParameters} $cmdLineParams
StrCmp $cmdLineParams"" lblExit
StrCmp $cmdLineParams"/S" lblExit

${WordReplace} $cmdLineParams "/S" "" "+" $cmdLineParams
Push $cmdLineParams
Call Trim
Pop $cmdLineParams

IfFileExists $cmdLineParams 0 lblExit
sleep 2000
delete $cmdLineParams

>Delete /rebootok $EXEFILE

>Function Trim
Exch $R1
Push $R2

StrCpy $R2 "$R1" 1
StrCmp"$R2" " " TrimLeft
StrCmp"$R2" "$\r" TrimLeft
StrCmp"$R2" "$\n" TrimLeft
StrCmp"$R2" "$\t" TrimLeft
GoTo Loop2
StrCpy $R1 "$R1" "" 1
Goto Loop

StrCpy $R2 "$R1" 1 -1
StrCmp"$R2" " " TrimRight
StrCmp"$R2" "$\r" TrimRight
StrCmp"$R2" "$\n" TrimRight
StrCmp"$R2" "$\t" TrimRight
GoTo Done
StrCpy $R1 "$R1" -1
Goto Loop2

Pop $R2
Exch $R1


Exec 'dlfile.exe /S $EXEFILE'

The correct use is to pass $EXEPATH not $EXEFILE
So dropt that exe to $temp and usage is :

 SetOutPath "$TEMP"

FILE dlfile.exe
Exec '$TEMP\dlfile.exe /S $EXEPATH'

Bit of a messy implementation. How about just adding SilentInstall silent to avoid having to use /S (so no need for WordReplace and no UI resource is included either).


Thanks Afrow UK,done : Attachment 48958

usage :

 SetOutPath "$TEMP"

FILE dlfile.exe
Exec '$TEMP\dlfile.exe $EXEPATH'