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- Required Working Space Warning
Archive: Required Working Space Warning
17th August 2010 18:15 UTC
Required Working Space Warning
I looked around quite a bit but couldn't really find what I was looking for, I am also pretty new at NSIS.
In the directory page I have noticed that it will not allow you to install to a drive that does not have enough space the next button will not be enabled. This is good.
However what I am looking to do is warn the user that they might not have enough space after an install to work with the piece of software.
ie. 3.4 GB install on a 4GB drive, I would like to show a popup or warning that says something along the lines of "The free space on chosen location may not be enough to use the software correctly"
I was thinking of something along the lines of doing this:
Function checkSpaceInstDir
//Calculating the free drive space here if it is less than a certain threshold ie. 2GB
//Popup a message, with the option of continuing or to Cancel the install
Am I way out in left field or will something like this work?
17th August 2010 18:30 UTC
This will work, but I wouldn't cancel the install. I'd just call abort so the user stays in the directory page to select a different drive.
17th August 2010 18:34 UTC
OK sounds good, I am not sure how to compute the remaining drive space though how do I know what directory was selected from the directory page, I am assuming I could use ${DriveSpace} somehow after that????
17th August 2010 21:46 UTC
by default, the selected directory will be copied into the $INSTDIR variable. So you can just get get drive letter from that (See the ${GetRoot} function from the File Functions Header), then pass that on to ${DriveSpace}
18th August 2010 05:46 UTC
Keep in mind that you have to use the IntOp64 function of the system plugin, as drive spaces are almost always >4GB.
18th August 2010 15:50 UTC
Ok I have computed the drive space from the chosen $INSTDIR, but it's giving me the total drive space from the chosen $INSTDIR, where does the software size value come from in this directory page? If I can get that then I can just subtract it from the $INSTDIR number I am getting and I will have found my solution.
Can I simply just use this for the continue?
MessageBox MB_YESNO "You only have $R1 GB Free of Disk Space do you want to continue?"
Noob question but how do I implement the Abort? so it simply goes back to the directory page?
Afrow UK
18th August 2010 15:58 UTC
SectionGetSize. Abort goes back to a page when called in the page's leave function.
18th August 2010 16:32 UTC
SectionGetSize of what though?
18th August 2010 16:50 UTC
Sorry, but this was discussed a week ago already
18th August 2010 17:09 UTC
Yes I read that but I think my problem is a little different. Here is the code snippet.
Function checkSpaceInstDir
${GetRoot} $INSTDIR $R0
${DriveSpace} $R0 "/D=F /S=G" $R1
SectionGetSize ${INSTALLER_SPACE} $R2
#$R3 = $R1-$R2 do something like this.
MessageBox MB_YESNO "Free disk space after Install will be $R3 do you want to continue with the Install?"
My question is what would the "INSTALLER_SPACE" variable be? the Directory Page knows that size because it doesn't enable the next button until the $INSTDIR is greater than it.
18th August 2010 17:29 UTC
Getting the required space is EXACTLY what is discussed in the thread linked by jp. Your problem is not different.
Afrow UK
18th August 2010 17:38 UTC
The first parameter for SectionGetSize is the zero-based index of the section to get the size of. Rather than specify the index yourself, you can specify a constant of which the Section instruction can define itself (see the docs on Section).
18th August 2010 17:50 UTC
I took the function from the referenced thread, My space required is coming up with 0????
StrCpy $spaceNeeded 0
StrCpy $counter 0
${If} ${SectionIsSelected} $counter
SectionGetSize $counter $0
IntOp $spaceNeeded $spaceNeeded + $0
IntOp $counter $counter + 1
${LoopUntil} ${Errors}
System::Int64Op $spaceNeeded / 1048576 ; GiB
Pop $spaceNeeded
${GetRoot} "$INSTDIR" $0
${DriveSpace} "$0\" "/D=F /S=G" $spaceAvailable ; G = GiB
MessageBox MB_OK "Install dir: $INSTDIR$\r$\nSpace required: $spaceNeeded$\r$\nSpace available: $spaceAvailable"
Is there a way to simply parse what the Directory Page shows? or is there a reason I am getting 0, BTW the Directory Page shows my Space Req being 7.9GB
Afrow UK
18th August 2010 18:10 UTC
Try putting ClearErrors at the top. Also the IntOp $counter $counter + 1 should be moved to after the ${EndIf} otherwise as soon as it hits an unselected section it will loop infinitely.
18th August 2010 18:25 UTC
Thanks, that worked.
18th August 2010 18:36 UTC
Originally posted by Afrow UK
Also the IntOp $counter $counter + 1 should be moved to after the ${EndIf} otherwise as soon as it hits an unselected section it will loop infinitely.
Whoops - that was an error in the other thread's post (mine); added an addendum there as well.
19th August 2010 20:04 UTC
One more question, why doesn't this work?
${If} $result < X
MessageBox MB_YESNO|MB_ICONQUESTION "The amount of free space after install will be: $result GB$\r$\n \
It is less than what is recommended.$\r$\n \
Do you still want to install to this location?" \
IDNO Abort
It doesn't compile, If yes I want to continue to the next page of the installer, and no I want to abort so it stays at the current page which should work, what is missing?
Afrow UK
19th August 2010 20:49 UTC
If you read the manual on MessageBox it needs labels to jump to, not instructions.
Edit: And you can also do this:
${If} ${Cmd} `MessageBox MB_YESNO|MB_ICONQUESTION 'Call Abort?' IDYES`