Archive: Can you tell if user hit Alt-F4 or click Cancel?

Can you tell if user hit Alt-F4 or click Cancel?

Is there a way to know if the user is aborting the installation by hitting Alt-F4 or by clicking the Cancel button? It seems like both will fire up the Abort callback but I can not seem to find a way to tell within that function the reason for the abort.


I think I wrote a plug-in for a company a long time ago for this. You will have to do the same. Subclass $HWNDPARENT to catch Alt+F4 then set a Boolean flag which is returned from a plug-in function.


Anders wrote a subclassing plugin a long time ago..
..not sure if it's appropriate for the intended use here, though.

Thanks guys, I'll look into it I guess I'll need to go and implement a plug-in for that, was hoping to avoid that task.