Archive: "Updating" DetailPrint Message in LogWindow

"Updating" DetailPrint Message in LogWindow
Hi all,

i remember once reading a Thread about this but i cannot find it. Maybe you can point me to the right direction.

I want to be able (if possible) to update the most recent line in the LogWindow that i have just put in there using "DetailPrint"

so i use DetailPint "Installing Dll bla bla" and the Window looks like

Installing Dll bla bla

now after (hopefully) successful installation of that dll, i want to change that last line so it looks like

Installing Dll bla bla - successful.

is that possible?

They say, everything is possible...

I think you should get control handle, get last item and replace its data :P

This old topic shows how to delete entries from the log window:


i knew there was something, Thanks for pointing,

but :( i am using Unicode NSIS and when using the example from

i get in the

status label: Processing: 0% done...
listview: Processing: 0% done...

status label: Processing: 20% done...
listview: P

status label: Processing: 40% done...
listview: P

status label: Processing: 60% done...
listview: P

status label: Processing: 80% done...
listview: P

status label: Complete
listview: P
listview: Complete

Then i started digging around and found that

!define LVM_SETITEMTEXT 0x102E

defines to use the ANSI Version and that changing

0x102E to 0x1074 makes it use the Unicode Version.

Tried it and it works (i am kinda proud of myself), now to the professionals here will that get me in some kind of trouble? Because i just did some lucky guessing here.

That's fine. You probably want to change the name of the define to LVM_SETITEMTEXTW as well.


Originally posted by Afrow UK
That's fine. You probably want to change the name of the define to LVM_SETITEMTEXTW as well.

Did so, thanks a lot !