Archive: install some files with language independent...

install some files with language independent...

How can i set in nsis to install some files but only install it with a language specified???

!include "logiclib.nsh"


${Select} $LANGUAGE
MessageBox MB_OK "English files"
${Case} ${LANG_GERMAN}
MessageBox MB_OK "German files"
${Case} ${LANG_FRENCH}
MessageBox MB_OK "French files"

thanks Animaether... I will try it :)

OK, work fine... but i get an error about overwriting some files. because i use this comand to decompress a 7z files and overwrites it:

nsExec::ExecToLog /OEM '"$PLUGINSDIR\7za.exe" x "$EXEDIR\English.7z" -aoa"$INSTDIR"' 

and maybe the switch -aoa doesn't recognizes with "$INSTDIR" or how can i set to overwrite some files in installdir with 7z???


try putting the last set of quotes around the switch and path, not just the path:

nsExec::ExecToLog /OEM '"$PLUGINSDIR\7za.exe" x "$EXEDIR\English.7z" "-aoa$INSTDIR"'


Finally this work for me, thanks for all...

but this code worked for me too:

nsExec::ExecToLog /OEM '"$PLUGINSDIR\7za.exe" x "$EXEDIR\English.7z" -o"$INSTDIR" -aoa' 
Another issue for me is:

How can i enable the cancel button when i installing my software???, because I can't cancel the installation before finish...

Enabling cancel button during installation

Originally posted by thanatos83
How can i enable the cancel button when i installing my software???, because I can't cancel the installation before finish...
That one's not so easy, unfortunately. NSIS is not engineered to support that easily out-of-the-box at this time.

See this wiki page for more information and a solution.. but it's not pretty:

You can also try bumping this thread to see if the author could contribute their patch to the official NSIS distribution: