21st September 2010 19:21 UTC
Service and delayed loop
Hello :),
I'm quite a newbie to NSIS and I am trying to check whether the PostgreSQL service is running, in which case I would go ahead and execute a certain piece of code, otherwise I would wait for 1 minute for the process to start, checking every second. Basically it would be a while loop, exit condition being either end of time either the desired process status.
$5 = 0
$6 = 0
${If} $5 == 60
Goto PGServiceEnd
SimpleSC::GetServiceStatus "postgresql-8.4"
Pop $0 ; returns an errorcode (<>0) otherwise success (0)
Pop $1 ; return the status of the service (See "service_status" in the parameters)
${If} $0 == 0
$6 = 1
${If} $6 == 1
Goto PGServiceEnd
IntOp $5 $5 + 1
Sleep 1000
I would really like to know if this is the/a correct approach.
Thanks in advance,
Afrow UK
21st September 2010 19:27 UTC
New to programming in general? :)
${For} $R0 1 60
SimpleSC::GetServiceStatus "postgresql-8.4"
Pop $R1
Pop $R2
${If} $R1 == 0
${AndIf} $R2 == 4 ; SERVICE_RUNNING
Sleep 1000
You haven't thought about an action to take if the service is never started. You could have this after the loop:
${If} $R0 == 61
# handle error
22nd September 2010 06:39 UTC
Hey! big thanks! :) ... Unfortunately I'm not new to programming, just very tired to look up all the statements, instructions and functions I needed when I wrote the installer.
This was everything I knew of the GetServiceStatus
; Get the current status of a service
SimpleSC::GetServiceStatus "MyService"
Pop $0 ; returns an errorcode (<>0) otherwise success (0)
Pop $1 ; return the status of the service (See "service_status" in the parameters)
so for some reason I assumed that it returns 1 in $0 when status is running and anything else if it fails, popping the info in $1. Basically I get a 0 in $0 when I get a status from the service and it pops a 4 in $1 if the status is running.
Also, now I know how the for statement looks like :D, and of course a for or a while is the best choice for this.
In case I get out after 60 seconds I wont execute the code that follows, but that I didn't include that in the present code. As a matter of fact I forgot some things in the code I wrote (the jump backwards) so I can see why you assumed I was new to programming ^^
Anyway, big thanks :)