Archive: cancel a custom page

cancel a custom page

I have a custom page where it is reported the data from the server validation if the data was entered.

StrCmp $ 3 "" stop2 play2

stop2: Pop $ (TEMP)

play2: Pop $ (TEMP)

On this screen when pressed the Cancel button, it first shows the MessageBox to enter the values and while it does not insert the values to display is not canceled.

I tried to enter the function

Function. OnUserAbort
MessageBox MB_YESNO "Abort install?" IDYES NoCancelAbort
Abort causes; installer to not quit.

But he returns
Function named ". OnUserAbort" already exists

Anyone know a way to cancel a custom page, do not enter the script messagebox

From what you have posted (which also has invalid syntax) I am guessing you aren't using a leave function?


Hi Afrow,
I use when I create a page like this
Page custom SetPageTerminal Void

And I have a function without return
Void Function

I believe this would return null when used aborted the installation. That is correct?

you're probably using MUI (or a MUI-derivative), and need to specify a custom user abort function.. e.g.

define MUI_CUSTOMFUNCTION_ABORT myAbortFunction 

not entirely sure what you're trying to achieve, though.. do you want the installer to exit immediately when canceling that custom page, skipping the "Abort install?" message?

Originally posted by execao
Hi Afrow,
I use when I create a page like this
Page custom SetPageTerminal Void

And I have a function without return
Void Function

I believe this would return null when used aborted the installation. That is correct?
No, this is not correct. Please look up the syntax for declaring functions in NSIS, in the manual.