NewTextreplace plug-in v0.5 test
Based on the Textreplace plug-in by Shengalts Aleksander aka Instructor.


* Compiled for regular- and unicode nsis
* Fast search/replacement in (almost) any kind of file
* Case sensitive/insensitive replacement
* Supports strings and pointers to the buffer
* If no changes possible, output file will be untouched
* Does not check if input file is a binary file
* Supported encodings are: utf-16LE, utf-16BE, utf-8 and all ansi code-pages
* As a bonus, it didn't take much to include an encoding conversion function.

This is a big re-write, any earlier version of NewTextreplace was mainly aimed on just replacing drive-letters (as that was what we needed it for).
Now case-insensitive is also working for non-ansi scripts and there is no issues any more with replacing in one encoding with another encoding.
The plug-in takes care about it all.

I kept the same function names as textreplace for compatibility, just include the NewTextreplace.nsh header file.

For more info, see the readme.txt

If any additional features are needed, please let me know (or any bugs :rolleyes: , of-course)