Archive: How to call System::Call with an absolute DLL path

How to call System::Call with an absolute DLL path

I have an installer that does this:


System::Call 'MyDll::MyFunction(t, i) i("","w").r0 ? u'

The problem is that MyDll.dll is loaded from the current directory (probably using LoadLibrary with a relative path) and this breaks when this KB from MS in installed:

The current directory is removed from the DLL search path and System::Call fails.

The solution is probably to use an absolute path. How to I pass an absolute path to System::Call?

you just... do?

System::Call "some.dll:someFunction(parameters)" 
System::Call "DRIVE:\folder\subfolder\etc\some.dll:someFunction(parameters)" 

If the path contains parentheses, the call fails. This is for example the case when the path is c:\program files (x86)\.... (x86 application installed on x64 Windows)

I think System::Call interprets the parenthesis in (x86) as the beginning of the parameters.

Ok, so how about just adding some quotes then?
System::Call '"DRIVE:\folder\subfolder\etc\some.dll":someFunction(parameters)'

hmmm... sounds like a bug.. 'll drop that in the bug tracker later

In the mean time.. hum... work-arounds.. work-arounds..
putting quotes around it doesn't help... sticking the path in a variable and using that doesn't help...

Here's one method that should work - but I admit readily that it kinda sucks...

System::Call "kernel32::LoadLibrary(t 'c:\path\to\your.dll') i .r0"
System::Call "kernel32::GetProcAddress(i r0, t 'ExportedFunction') i .r1"
System::Call "::$1(the usual parameters here)"
System::Call "kernel32::FreeLibrary(i r0)"
might have to call 'kernel32::FreeLibrary $0'.. that tended to crash on the DLL I was testing with, though.. can't say I know 100% for sure that FreeLibrary() is required ( I guess the reference count dies on installer exit anyway, and the DLL doesn't appear to be locked )

Edit: FreeLibrary() should indeed be used.. must be the test DLL.

Looks like the devs are aware of the issue, at least on some level... Bug 1616267 applies readily. You already tried the suggestion therein (using SetOutpath). I'll add a comment to that bug as kichik notes in it that parentheses are indeed problematic.