Archive: Finding already installed programs

Finding already installed programs

I'm very new to NSIS and I haven't yet grasped the full logic of the script yet. I'm on a project to create an installer for a program and so far I've used the Eclipse plug-in. It's quite neat as it creates a working script for you after just adding a few parameters. There are however a few stuff I need to add myself.

I need my installer to check to see if the computer has SQL Server 2008 Express installed, and if not, offer to install it. I know how to add installers in my installer, but I have no idea how to find already installed programs.

Any help on this subject would be much appreciated!

You can probably look for some SQLS2k8-specific registry keys, if those exist.

There may be better ways to obtain the info you need, though. Perhaps someone else knows? Try googling, too.

MSDN says the appropriate method would be to go through WMI *cringe* while not recommending using the registry method. Note that this doesn't mean you -can't- use the registry.

edit: forgot URL..

Originally posted by Pollyy89

I'm very new to NSIS and I haven't yet grasped the full logic of the script yet. I'm on a project to create an installer for a program and so far I've used the Eclipse plug-in. It's quite neat as it creates a working script for you after just adding a few parameters. There are however a few stuff I need to add myself.

I need my installer to check to see if the computer has SQL Server 2008 Express installed, and if not, offer to install it. I know how to add installers in my installer, but I have no idea how to find already installed programs.

Any help on this subject would be much appreciated!
still u want means i will give idea to that