Archive: Custome license unicode error

Custome license unicode error
  Hi all,
I'm using the CustomLicenseUnicode.dll, but I'm facing some problems: I'm trying to change the license at run time with this piece of code:

    ; change license

FindWindow$0 "#32770" "" $HWNDPARENT
GetDlgItem$0 $0 1000
::LoadFile "${TempDir}\$LicenseName" $0
But when I run it I see a '?' (question mark) as a first letter in front of the license test.
I tried to modify the txt encoding, but it's reproducible with all of them (currently I'm using UCS-2 Little Endian).

I'm using NSIS unicode v2.45 and the latest CustomLicenseUnicode.dll.

Thanks for the help.


Unicode BOM?

Or use something like:


page license"" ls
>function ls
FindWindow$0 "#32770" "" $HWNDPARENT
GetDlgItem$0 $0 1000
FileOpen$1 "${__FILE__}" r
::Call 'kernel32::GetFileSize(ir1,i0)i.r2'
>${If} $2 != -1
System::Alloc $2
System::Call 'kernel32::ReadFile(ir1,ir3,ir2,*i,i0)'
IntOp $2 $3 + 2 ;<-----Skip a couple bytes
SendMessage$0 ${WM_SETTEXT} 0 $2
System::Free $3
>FileClose $1

great, that works.
thank you very much.