Archive: Banner and timer/ blinking text

Banner and timer/ blinking text [solved]

I am looking for an easy solution or best method to let my banner text blink.

As a certain part of my installer the user has the option to do a full HDD scan (which may take several minutes). So after clicking the button which starts the scan I hide the main installer window and show a banner instead (visible in the taskbar, stays always on top).

The banner text actually is only changed/ updated when a certain entry is found. Now I would like to have the first text line to blink so that the user knows that the application is still working and has not hung up.

I already tried the nsDialog timer (does not work - I guess due to the hide of the window) and I also do not want to use another banner (plugin).

Can anybody give me a tip or a hint how to achieve this?
Or what I possibly made wrong with timer?

Addendum 1:
I changed my UI and added a progressbar to the banner. Now the question is "How to Create a Smooth Progress Bar control" (like in

Addendum 2:
OK, I solved it. I found the solution in this thread:




thanks but I solved it by using the "normal" banner (see addendum 2 above).
Ah, still one additional question:
In the post (linked in my first post) is written

In Windows XP or later you can set the progress bar in maraquee mode.
So what happens on NT/2000 systems?(Win <= 98 does not matter as it is not supported by my installer anyway)
Do I have to take care for those systems? May the code crash the installer or has it just no effect?


Sending a "standard" message that is not supported by an old version of Windows, or setting style bits that are not supported by a version of Windows, usually has no bad effects and is just ignored.

So go ahead. No need to take care of these cases.


Originally posted by Wizou
... usually has no bad effects and is just ignored.
So go ahead. No need to take care of these cases.
puh, so I can breath easy ...! ;)

Thanks for your answer!
