Installing Apache 2 service SimpleSC
I tried to install the Apache 2.2 service with the SimpleSC plugin.
SimpleSC::InstallService "Apache2.2" "Apache2.2" "16" "2" '"$INSTDIR\apache\bin\httpd.exe"' "" "" ""
Pop $0
SimpleSC::SetServiceDescription "Apache2.2" "Apache 2.2.14 (Community Server) mit PBXT engine 1.0.09-rc for Qoodary8"
Pop $0
SimpleSC::StartService "Apache2.2" ""
Pop $0
The service is installed and the httpd.exe is started. But if I go to the control panel and look into the service the service is not started, only the exe. If I try to start the service I have the error 1053.
If I try to install the service with ExecWait it runs fine.
ExecWait "$INSTDIR\apache\bin\httpd.exe -k install"
ExecWait "NET START Apache2.2"
Any idea how it works with the SimpleSC ?
thanks a lot