Archive: calling web service using NSIS

calling web service using NSIS
I have developed an installer.using this installer i want to call a web service for the product key verification.

If the email and registration key provided at the time of installation are valid then the installation will proceed further otherwise quits the installation.

For this purpose i have planned to make an exe that will be called with the help of installer and the exe will call the web service and web service checks into the database.If the parameters are valid than web service returns true.

now the problem is that how to call the exe with the parameters and how to handle the return value of the web service.

please help me how to do all this things.
i am very new to the NSIS.

thanks in advance.

You really need to read the docs. This is very simple stuff. If you can write a program then you shouldn't have any problems learning NSIS. To me it looks like you're being lazy. Read the FAQ on what to do before posting. I'll give you the answer this one time though: ExecWait.
