Cannot write to registry in 64 bit windows 7
I have NSIS on a 32 bit windows XP. My script uses Regsitry.nsh to create a registry key and assign it a value, but it works only on 32 bit systems.
What is the way to handle it?
Archive: Cannot write to registry in 64 bit windows 7
Cannot write to registry in 64 bit windows 7
I have NSIS on a 32 bit windows XP. My script uses Regsitry.nsh to create a registry key and assign it a value, but it works only on 32 bit systems.
What is the way to handle it?
are you sure it's not working? how are you determining this?
If you are writing to the registry from NSIS (a 32bit application) it will by default be redirected to a 32bit subset under e.g. "SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node". Are you sure you have set "SetRegView 64" for the 64bit parts of your installer? Is this even required (or desired) for the program/data you are installing?