Archive: Dynamic Variables

Dynamic Variables
Hi, I know this question has been asked before, but it has been 5 years since it was asked, and I was wondering if there had been a change on how I can go about doing this.

I have the scripts:

${For} $TMP 1 ${TTL}
IfFileExists "$1${D$TMP}\${F$TMP}" +3 0
MessageBox MB_ICONEXCLAMATION|MB_OK "Required file ${F$TMP} not found in specified directory!"

;Next File

The line IfFileExists is supposed to cycle to "$1${D1}\${F1}", "$2${D2}\${F2}" and so on so forth, up to the value of ${TTL}

Obviously my solution up top does not work, So i'm wondering if there was a quick and easy way around this. I'm trying to make my scripts dynamic, therefore not needing to change much each time I decide to re-use it.

You will have to generate the code using another program (even an NSIS executable will do) and !include that file.
