Archive: Can't uninstall fonts

Can't uninstall fonts
Hi all,

I have been working on a script for a while now which I have finally managed to get working apart from one thing. The fonts which install fine refuse to uninstall....

I have used the instructions on the page for the installation but the uninstall section does not work.

I have tried to manually remove the fonts with the command Delete "$FONT_DIR\testfont.ttf" but they still remain.

Does anyone have any ideas?

what OS? do you have rights to delete fonts (admin?)

also mind this:

Please note that uninstalling fonts is generally not a good idea since other programs might depend on them. Exceptions would be custom created fonts which would only be used by your program or when installing an *huge* amount of fonts.

It happens with XP or windows 7, and under Windows 7 it does it even if I am logged in as admin