Problem with LogicLib Cmd/IfCmd and MessageBox
I'm using Logiclib in my NSIS installers wherever I can. It greatly helps to improve readability.
Now I got a problem where I think that there might be a bug in LogicLib or at least some some documentation missing.
I stumbled upon this while trying to use
${Case} '0'
${IfCmd} MessageBox MB_ICONQUESTION|MB_YESNO "$2" /SD IDYES ${||} ${Break} ${|}
; some other code
; :
${If} ${Cmd} `MessageBox MB_ICONQUESTION|MB_YESNO "$2" /SD IDYES `
First I thought it was the | between the MB_xxx mode options, but then I tried the LogicLib.nsi example.
The example for IfCmd and Cmd in Examples\LogicLib.nsi works fine, even when adding MB_ICONQUESTION|
But when one adds the /SD parameter to the MessageBox it won't compile anymore.
Is there a way to pass the /SD through the macros, or is this a "bug"?
I need the /SD to prevent any Mesagebox to pop up during silent installation.