Archive: Trademark Symbol

Trademark Symbol
Hi, i would like to use trademark symbol on one of my pages and i don't know how to do it. I have tried to put & # 153 ; (without spaces ofcourse)

For example
LangString company_name ${LANG_GERMAN} " CompanyName & # 153;"

And when i use company_name on one of the installation pages, it shows & # 153; and not ™.

Can anyone help?

Thanks in advance

NSIS does not support HTML escape codes (why would it?), so if the german codepage has a TM symbol, you can use that, if not, use "(TM)" or something like that...

(Or if this is unicode nsis, there is probably a codepoint for it)

Using NSIS unicode version

Do you mean the ™ or ® symbol?
Because I do not see any reason why it should not work.
™ has ASCII code 153 and ® has 174, so both are regular characters => no Unicode is needed.