Archive: Syntax for retrieving data from GetPwrCapabilities

Syntax for retrieving data from GetPwrCapabilities

I am having some problems with the syntax for this one. What I need is to check these values:

- SystemBatteriesPresent
- UpsPresent

through the GetPwrCapabilities function, this will be done onInit. Can anyone help me with the correct syntax for retrieving the structure data? I need this to check if the computer is a laptop.

Any help will be greatly appreciated!

Also, two quick questions, anyone knows if there is a way to check from the installer if Antivirus is present and if Windows is Genuine?



I probably got the offsets wrong in the system::call '*$1( (I'm not on a laptop so I can't really verify), also 666 is bogus, you could use a smaller number, too lazy to calculate the minimal size ATM

I think you might be able to check the WGA with WMI, and there is a api for the security center to check AV IIRC but ClamAV etc probably don't use it so its not 100%

You can use thw WmiInpector plugin to check WMI values.
In your case:

Name TestWmiInspector
OutFile TestWmiInspector.exe
RequestExecutionLevel user
XPStyle on
Page instfiles

!Macro ShowResult ItemName
Pop $0
Pop $1
MessageBox MB_OK "$\tTested item ${ItemName}$\r$\n$\r$\n$\r$\nResult call: $0$\r$\n$\r$\nValue: $1"

WmiInspector::Request "CIMV2" "Win32_WindowsProductActivation" "ActivationRequired"
!InsertMacro ShowResult "ActivationRequired"

!InsertMacro ShowResult "AV"
but as Anders said, some AV does not integrate with MS that well (at least ClamAV doesn't...)

Thank you very much! That is very helpful, I will test the code tomorrow with a laptop and let you know.

The Anti-Virus and Windows Activation part is for information purposes so it's perfect :)


It's me again. I'm having problems with getting the correct offsets for the values. How do you calculate them?
I have made a few tries but the data recovered seems inconsistent with the SYSTEM_POWER_CAPABILITIES structure. How do you point to a specific value? I understand that <&i12,&i1.r2> should retrieve the 12th integer of 1 byte and store it in $2 but it seems this is not happening ( I have made some tests with the Hiberfile value but it returns always 0.)

it gets the 13th byte actually