Archive: change path of set up file

change path of set up file
i want to change the installer set up file path which NSIS creates.

the path is
OutFile "setupFile.exe"

but i want
OutFile "build\setupFile.exe"

when i ask NSIS to put the created installer file in build folder.
it gives me error saying
"Can't open file"

what i want to do is store the installer file build folder.
but i am not able to do so.
i even tried CreateDirectory to create directory named "build"
but no luck...

thanks in advance.. any help is highly appreciated.

NSIS won't create the directory if it doesn't exist. CreateDirectory won't work because that is a run time instruction (duh). Use mkdir via !system if you have to create the directory every time or use a batch file which calls mkdir before makensis.


can you please show me how to create a folder using mkdir and !system

thank you very much... it solved my issue...
the code line is

!system "mkdir folder_name"

thank you very much... it solved my issue...
the code line is

!system "mkdir folder_name"