Archive: macro with parameters

macro with parameters
  Hi guys,

I would really appreciate your help over this issue I have.

I have a macro with 2 parameters like below:

macro TestMacro _PARAM1 _PARAM2

StrCpy$1 $OUTDIR
>// ... do some stuff here with the ${_PARAM1} and ${_PARAM2}
>SetOutPath $1
The problem is that when I call it like this:


inside the macro the ${_PARAM1} gets set to the $OUTDIR.

Is there a way to avoid this kind bad macro usage, beside:

macro TestMacro _PARAM1 _PARAM2

>!define LastKnownOutDir $OUTDIR
>// ... do some stuff here with the _PARAM1 and _PARAM2
>SetOutPath ${LastKnownOutDir }
!undef LastKnownOutDir
Many thanks in advance,

Well you could do:

!macro TestMacro _PARAM1 _PARAM2
!if `${_PARAM1}` == $1
!error `_PARAM1 cannot be $1`

And a more sophisticated solution is to switch $1 to something else if one of the macro parameters is $1, i.e.

!macro TestMacro _PARAM1 _PARAM2
!if `${_PARAM1}` == $1
!define _Var1 $2
!define _Var1 $1
Push ${_Var1}
Pop ${_Var1}
!undef _Var1
Here if the parameter is $1, you instead use $2 and leave $1 as it is. In fact, this is how some of the macros in Sections.nsh should be changed to use (those macros were written before !if).

Edit: I should point out that neither of these solutions will work if for example "some string containing $1" is used for _PARAM1. You are stuck there. Perhaps usage of !searchparse may work but you have to match $1 and ignore $$1 somehow.


I'm somehow satisfied with the !define command to store the OUTDIR and to restore it at the end.

Edit: Err, nvm, not applicable here.

I am probably wrong to ask but you do realise that !define is a compile time instruction. It will not be set to the value of $OUTDIR because that is not known until run time. Storing $OUTDIR in a constant will not benefit you at all except to save you from having to repeat $OUTDIR throughout the macro. Wherever you use that constant, $OUTDIR will be inserted.


Yes, sorry my bad. Thanks for your correction.
I didn't notice that the functionality was wrong until I changed some paths that I needed inside the macro.

Much appreciated.