Archive: win7 app problem with MUI_FINISHPAGE_RUN

win7 app problem with MUI_FINISHPAGE_RUN

I have a .net application which can accept an image on a drag&drop event.

When I install the application on Win7 and run it automatically from the last page of the installer, the drag&drop doesn't work in the app. When I close and run my app from the installed folder
it works. This happens only in Win7 - in XP/Vista the drag&drop works even when the app is run directly from the NSIS installer.

I've tried both
!define MUI_FINISHPAGE_RUN "$INSTDIR\myapp.exe"


Function autorun
Exec '"$INSTDIR\myapp.exe"'

Grateful for any suggestions on what might be causing the problem - i.e. is there a different mode how to run the executable from the script?

it's because your run app is elevated due to UAC and so is at a different level to Explorer which prevents drag and drop working. generally the easiest fix is to just not auto-run the app after install as from what i've been told there are ways to sort of de-elevate things for the app to be run but it's hacky and has issues.
