Using !system
Hello guys,
Again me and my NSIS problems. Didn't succeed to find this problem in the forum and here I am writing this small question.
How could I stop the NSIS compilation using the !system compile command when the passed command doesn't exist and when it exists it's return values are 2,1 or 0
!system '"file.exe"' = 0
1. When the "file.exe" is not accessible the !system command returns 1 and the compilation stops which is good.
2. When the "file.exe" exists and it's accesible depending on the passed arguments it's return values are 2 in case of errors, 1 in case warning and 0 if all is ok.
How could I handle the build scenario when I would like that the NSIS compilation to not be halted when I potentially got warnings when running the "file.exe" - warnings return code is 1 and I cannot specify multiple conditions to be tested in the !system command?
My only idea is to call it twice but I don't like to have in the compilation log the command line arguments help information.
!system '"file.exe"' = 0 ; shows possible command line arguments
!system '"file.exe" <some_arguments>' = 0 ; this should do the work I need for my NSIS compilation
Is there any other possibility to do this?