Archive: How to i18n strings in nsh file?

How to i18n strings in nsh file?
I'm using this script here:

Listed under future enhancements is

The text strings used in this page should be configurable, and should be i18n aware
I wanted to i18n the strings, created LangStrings for all UI strings, placed the LangString lines at the end of the nsh, but they don't get read in. The only way I could get this to work is to put the LangString lines at the end of my main nsi file. What's the proper way to i18n a file that is meant to be included (and have that nsh file be all that's needed)?

Do you get compiler warnings? When you use LangString you just have to use it after LoadLanguageFile (or in the case of MUI, !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE). Therefore to keep them in the header file you will have to include the header file after the languages are defined.


Yes, I get warnings on the LangString and about a language table.

I tried moving the language declaration to before the include statement, but then I didn't have any strings at all (even the default ones included with nsis). I wasn't sure if there was a way to make the header file self-contained. Can I have the language declarations twice (just put one in the header file, and another in my main file)?

Sorry for the double post.

I didn't say to move the language declarations. I said to move the !include. You have to have the language declarations after the page declarations.


Thanks Stu,
The gotcha in this case is that the header file declares a function for a custom page, so it would seem it would need to come before the page declarations.


Functions can be anywhere in a script. They are linked at the end of the compile process.


Is that also true of a macro? I forgot that this header has the macro/function pattern.

No, if it has macros then you are stuck.
