Archive: I want to hire someone to do my NSIS installer

I want to hire someone to do my NSIS installer
Hopefully, this is an allowed topic in this forum. Admins: If this is not an allowed topic, would you be so kind to direct me to an appropriate place where this could be posted?

I am seeking someone to write me a moderately complex, at least to me, NSIS installer.

The project the installer is for is a "self-hosted web app" where the installer will need to analyze the PC to determine which components will need to be installed (most likely all) and then install a series of components, including: 1) WAMP (The Windows/Apache/MySQL/PHP stack), 2) a CMS based WebApp, 3) the WebApp's database, 4) a commercial software application (my client's software), and 5) one or two additional executables and directories.

The project is an intranet (locally hosted) application intended for small businesses and security industry organizations. They will purchase the software from my client, run the installer on a system on their local network, and then their staff will be able to create accounts at the WebApp and use it like any Internet based WebApp. Additionally, there are also 'mobile users' who will have a complete version of the WebApp installed on their laptops, where they are using a self-hosted version while 'on the road'.

If you have experience creating at least two or more NSIS installers of a similar complexity, I would like to hear from you. I would prefer someone US based; Los Angeles based would be even better (LA is where I'm located). If you are interested in this job, please contact me (Blake) via email. My email address is the following with the spaces removed and the word 'at' replaced with an '@': b s e n f t n e r at e a r t h l i n k . n e t

Thank you! :up:

Sourceforge used to have a "market" where you could hire people, it is no longer active AFAIK so posting on the forum is fine, or you could try

Thank you, Anders. I'll post there too.

If anyone is interested in this job, please reply here or send mail to my email address in the original post.
