Henrik Holst
1st February 2011 12:51 UTC
Blank text forms on Server 2008R2 64-bit
I have noticed a very strange problem, when running the resulting installer (NSIS 2.46) on a Windows Server 2008R2 64-bit version then lot's of text fields are blank. For example the whole license screen is completely blank. When choosing installation folder location then the "Destination Folder" inout is blank until one selects the whole form with left-click and then the path magically appears.
If one clicks the "Browse" button then there is no possibility to choose paths since nothing is displayed. Running the very same installer on a 32-bit XP shows no problems at all ?!
I have attached screenshots from the installation folder screen and the browse location screen.
Anyone else seen this problem?
Henrik Holst
3rd February 2011 08:55 UTC
Solved! Turns out that this code on the script was the culprit:
Function .onInit
${If} ${RunningX64}
So if one disables FSRedirection in .onInit then NSIS experiences troubles with some of it's funtions such as some form fields, and the file browser.
3rd February 2011 12:24 UTC
Can you please show us some example code (as short and simple as possible) that shows this bad behavior? If it's indeed caused by redirection, it might very well be a bug in NSIS. You can use http://nsis.pastebin.com or an attachment.
3rd February 2011 15:58 UTC
Well, you should only turn off the redirection when installing files since it breaks normal .dll loading etc
3rd February 2011 17:12 UTC
Ah, yeah, I guess it makes sense that it should affect all filesystem commands globally. I'll remember that.
3rd February 2011 21:13 UTC
It is per thread, not per process, but there is no official documentation about how many threads NSIS uses (Most plugins depend on the GUI running in the same thread as the function callbacks)