Archive: custom wizard

custom wizard
Hye there,

I would like to know if there is a way to create a custom wizard like NSIS QUICK SETUP SCRIPT GENERATOR does.
In fact, I need to have some custom pages in which I could collect informations from the user (like app_name, app_version, source_directory, destination_directory ... and some more specific informations) and then generate an installer file from these values... Of course, the exe file that would be generated should only install the app with the values given and not reload the wizard from the start.

Hope you understand what I mean.

Simple answer is to write the NSIS script.


yes but how ?
any idea how to do that ?

To learn NSIS, you can start by looking at NSIS\Examples\Example1.nsi and Example2.nsi. Use the command reference to figure out exactly what EVERY command does, and then you'll be able to move on to more specific things, such as the nsDialogs readme for creating custom pages.
Command reference:


I managed to use forms in a custom page with the use of a .ini file and write back the infos into an .nsi file in order to compile this file into an installer file (.exe).

However, I encounter a problem when i use the write command.
When i use this command : FileWrite $4 'SetOutPath "$PLUGINSDIR"' the result in the .nsi file that I generate is SetOutPath "C:\DOCUME~1\bolfab\LOCALS~1\Temp\nsb33.tmp".

I don't want to have the full path written but only the command SetOutPath "$PLUGINSDIR"... How do I do that plz ?

I join the files if ever you have to see it more in details.
You have to rename the file myApp.txt into myApp.ini in order to make it work.

Thank you.

woww great, just what I was looking for !!!!
Thank you so much JPderuiter !