Archive: Flash Player in nsis?

Flash Player in nsis?
Anyawy to call Flash Player in a nsis script?
Video works, but I never saw nothing about flash objects like .swf files.

I mean: play a swf file in a nsis script using flash player installed in pc.

With Atutoit there's a way to do this, but I want in nsis.

Try FlashLib, FireCtrl, WaterCtrl DLLs. They are all developed for Inno by "ResTools", and can be used in NSIS by System plugin.

See also:

NSIS 2.44 Enhanced Edition (CHS)
Note that there is a green "download" icon on the left of each download link.
Install it and you can find an example in %NSISDIR%\Examples\FlashLib.

Developter's blog: Examples for using FireCtrl or WaterCtrl in inno:
Using in NSIS:
Or you can search in Google for more, the pages are almost Chinese, but you can find the script.

Ok, i've found the script and the flashlib.dll, but now I need some help. The original script show up the flash animation in the left bitmap of nsis installer. I wanna edit the script to show the animation in their own window, like a splash, and hide the other pages of the installer. After show the animation, would the nice if the script autoclose.

In the link below I uploaded the script and the plugin (FlashLib.dll) and an axemple made in AutoIt of what I wanna do in NSIS.

I really tried to edit the nsis script but I can't. I'm a noob in nsis yet.


@herdell: see my plugin nsisweb

Originally posted by Joel
@herdell: see my plugin nsisweb
What? Your plugin can play flash player objects?
But I really don't know how. :( I'm not a expert user.

To use nsWeb you must have a webpage for a Flash, so I thought the FlashLib is better.
I have modified your script to show an SWF on a single custom page or on whole page.
See the attachment:

Your script 'swf_Full.nsi' is great. But I really need that it auto close the window/process after play the animation once. I tried to set: AutoCloseWindow and SetAutoClose but none works. Also tried Killprocess, but it kill the process before animation start.
Please help.

Modify a UI file to fit your flash, and use a Timer to close the main window after seconds.

I tried but the window still opened.
Nothing to autoclose the window works here.

What do you have tried?

I tried to use AutoCloseWindow, but doesn't work.



The above file in mediafile has been deleted, I have uploaded new examples that will close automatically.

thx a lot. now works fine. unfortunatelly there's no way to get the window transparent, right?
will be awesome if is possible show only the swf, without background. I have a swf with transparency here.