Archive: ExecWait Application Parameters Lowercase & Uppercase

ExecWait Application Parameters Lowercase & Uppercase
  Wow that was a hell of a title.

Anyways the problem I'm having is as following. (code)

ExecWait '"$INSTDIR\example.exe" /auto /path=$INSTDIR\Layout\Aust\ /dsn=$DSN /uid=username /pwd=MuLtICaSe'

With the very last parameter, being a password. The password has a mixture of lowercase and uppercase characters and as far as I have been able to figure out so far it's to do with not picking up the upper/lower case. I tested this on username and it would only show up in lowercase.

Any ideas?
I've tried pre-defined variables.

Do you really think NSIS is changing the case? Without checking the source, I would guess that NSIS passes the string directly to CreateProcess() without even looking at it.


>!include LogicLib.nsh
>var DSN
>function .onInit
StrCpy $DSN TheDSN
StrCpy $instdir "c:\foo"
>${GetParameters} $0
>${GetOptions} "$0" "/auto" $1
>${If} ${Errors}
Exec '"$exepath" /auto /path=$INSTDIR\Layout\Aust\ /dsn=$DSN /uid=username /pwd=MuLtICaSe'
Messagebox mb_ok >>>$cmdline<<<

I tried to PM you the code..

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