Archive: Uninstall window running under Welcome screen..

Uninstall window running under Welcome screen..
Hi All,

Here's the problem. As soon as my Installer runs it looks to see if there
is an existing version, and if it finds it, it runs the Uninstaller to remove the
previous version first.

The problem is that after the Uninstall window runs for a second,
the Welcome screen opens directly above it, and the user doesn't see the Uninstall
window running, so they can easily hit "Next", on the Welcome screen,
and the Uninstall will be hosed.

I'm currently using the Ultra Modern UI, but I've seen it happen with the MUI2.nsh

What I'm currently doing is pretty kludgey. I let the Uninstall run for a second
and a half, then do a "BringToFront", and that brings it back to the top,
but it doesn't always work.

Ideally I'd set a flag variable, in the Uninstall, saying that it's running
and before the Welcome screen opens, it would check the flag, and if it was
set, it would "wait" till the Uninstaller was finished before it opens.

But it looks like you can't do any pre-opening stuff with the Welcome screen.

Maybe, if I could create a Custom screen that looks exactly like the Welcome screen,
then I could control it better.

If anyone has any suggestions on how I can keep the Uninstall window from
being covered over by the Welcome screen, I'd appreciate it!

Oh, my Installer only runs on Windows, I'm not using it for any other platform.


You are probably executing the uninstaller incorrectly, are you using the _?= parameter and ExecWait?

Thanks for your reply.

I was using:

ExecWait "${INSTALL_DIRECTORY}\Webserver\bin\${UNINSTALLER}"

And tried changing it to:

ExecWait "${INSTALL_DIRECTORY}\Webserver\bin\${UNINSTALLER}" $0

And not doing anything with the return code '$0'

I ran the Installer several times, and it seems to work, but the Welcome
screen is under the Uninstall window every time. It won't take much
for it to "decide" to come to the front.

I looked around and only found _?= used once in Examples\makensis.nsi
and couldn't find any docs on how it's used.

I did find out that I CAN add a MUI_PAGE_CUSTOMFUNCTION_PRE
before my !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_WELCOME

And I wrote this Function:

Function WelcomePre


StrCmp $UninstallRunning "TRUE" Loop_Start Loop_End



And it looks like it works pretty well.

How do I use _?= ?


You could RTFM.

There isn't ONE WORD in the FM about "_?="!

3.2.2 Uninstaller Specific Options

_?= sets $INSTDIR. It also stops the uninstaller from copying itself to the temporary directory and running from there. It can be used along with ExecWait to wait for the uninstaller to finish. It must be the last parameter used in the command line and must not contain any quotes, even if the path contains spaces.

Sorry, I found it in the Uninstaller section. It wasn't in anything doing with


That is because it has nothing to do (directly) with ExecWait. _?= is a specific option for the NSIS uninstall executable.
