Archive: How to handle BTN_CLICK event of a checkbox in license page

How to handle BTN_CLICK event of a checkbox in license page
Hello i need to show a info message to user when user clicks "I agree " check box in MUI license page, is it possible to get the ON_BTN_CLICK callback as in VC++/WIN32 applications ?

Thanks in advance !

You can try my ButtonEvent plug-in on it.


See this:

Not able to handle checkbox event

I have similar issue. like i have one button on dialog(109) at same level of "back,install,next" button, so at licence page i want to disabled that button and after check licence "accept" then enabled that custom button,
but not able solve.

i have tried with buttonevent plugin but not working. it will not call any functions or like that.

Thanks in Advance.