Archive: Problems with Win7 registry entries

Problems with Win7 registry entries

I have a setup compiled with NSIS 2.21 some years ago and I've found out that my setup does not write registry entries in HKLM/Software/Test... but in HKLM/Software/Wow6432Node/Test. This is a typical virtualization problem under Win7 for software products that are not UAC aware. For me it means that setups compiled with NSIS does not fully support Win7. Am I right?

Any chance to solve the problem by having the possibility to write registry entries directly in "HKLM/Software/Test"?

Thank you,

This has nothing to do with UAC. It is because NSIS is 32-bit. Windows (64-bit) redirects registry writes. To solve just add SetRegView 64 once before doing any registry operations.

Also if you want to write to HKLM on Vista or 7 you need RequestExecutionLevel admin.


Thank you for your info.

Best regards,