Archive: Cant read a RegValue

Cant read a RegValue
It's a simple Reg_SZ key can't read it... The variables like $key, $inc and $Location have the right data and the location exists and is initialized in the registry (for a certain key). I can read Keys but not values, i have FULL admin rights. I tried EnumRegValue it always returns an error, can't read any key at all!

Thx for the responses!

EnumRegKey $key HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" $inc

detailprint "$key"
sleep 100
StrCmp $key "" done
IntOp $inc $inc + 1
;call un.UninstallSQLValueAnalyzer
ReadRegStr $entry HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\$key" $Location
IfErrors loop
Detailprint "$entry"
sleep 100
goto loop

Lol, i had the wrong i feel :igor:

What is the value of $Location?

It is the actual value (string) to be compared with. Actually it's to make sure i use the right uninstall string.