Archive: Wrong language of the buttons of MessageBox

Wrong language of the buttons of MessageBox
I have the following problem. In my installer I select the language (English/German). When I use MessageBox I always have the correct text (depending on the selected language), but the text on the buttons is sometimes not correct. I think that it depends from the language of the operating system. For example when I install on German Windows and I select English for the installation, I have correct English texts in the message, but the buttons are on German language. Is there a way to solve this... It's quite boring...

Thanks!!! I couldn't find the needed thread...

Another problem. Please, help. With the suggested plug-in I can set the suitable text in the message boxes. I have my own language files with translations on English and German (using macro LANG_LOAD). Up to now I didn't have any problems to translate the test in the message boxes, made with MessageBox. Now I want to use the same translations (and also added translations for the buttons) together with the new plug-in. I made a macro that uses the plug-in and replaced the function MessageBox in a similar way:


The problem is that now the language of the message doesn't depend from the selected language, but from the language of the operating system. This is the problem that I'm trying to solve, but with the buttons, now I have this problem with the text in the message too. If I put the text directly, they all is ok.
It must be a problem in my script, but I can not see it. Some idea why it happens?

I have found the problem. I call the macro before the language selection !!!???...
My mistake. But now another question. I want to save the used registers inside of my macro. I used correct sequence of Push and Pop commands, but when I do this, I always get troubles with the plug-in. For example if I put one register in the stack, then I have one more additional button.