Archive: Invalid command: UAC::RunElevated

Invalid command: UAC::RunElevated
when i compile my script i get:

Invalid command: UAC::RunElevated

UAC.dll is in my plugin's directory, but i am not sure its it loading properly:

in the installer output i see:

Processing plugin dlls
many individual lines are listed

but for UAC I have:


does UAC::_ mean its collecting all functions or does this indicate a problem?

assuming UAC::_ is not indicating a problem ...
i also verified that UAC.nsh is loaded correctly

(tried the .dll from the current branch as well as experimental, tried both the "A" and "U" versions... same result)

well i got it to compile by changing:



!insertmacro UAC_RunElevated

is this correct?

Yeah, the export name changed, and yes, use the macro from now on...

same problem for UAC::ExecCodeSegment?

is there a macro i should use in its place?

Yes, all exports have been renamed to _. UAC_AsUser_Call is the basic replacement macro (With more specific versions like UAC_AsUser_ExecShell)

I'm sorry I don't understand:

what specifically do I substitute for UAC::ExecCodeSegment as in the code example:

GetFunctionAddress $0 CreateShortcuts
UAC::ExecCodeSegment $0

You cannot call UAC::Whatever directly anymore. You have to use the macros in UAC.nsh. For the case of ExecCodeSegment, you'll probably need something like
!insertmacro UAC_AsUser_Call function YourFunc ${UAC_SYNCREGISTERS}|${UAC_SYNCINSTDIR}

so I assume you mean:

!insertmacro UAC_AsUser_Call ExecCodeSegment CreateShortcuts ${UAC_SYNCREGISTERS}|${UAC_SYNCINSTDIR}

so with that i get:

!insertmacro: UAC_AsUser_Call
Push: $0
Invalid command: GetExecCodeSegmentAddress
Error in macro UAC_AsUser_Call on macroline 2

I cannot find 'GetExecCodeSegmentAddress' in any of the recent UAC.nsh versions. You're probably using an out-of-date version.

ok i think you meant literally:

!insertmacro UAC_AsUser_Call function CreateShortcuts ${UAC_SYNCREGISTERS}|${UAC_SYNCINSTDIR}


if so, what does:



could someone update so the examples map to the current code reality?


i am using uac.dll and UAC.nsh

in version

Syncregisters and syncinstdir do exactly what they sound like: they synchronize the registers (registers are the NSIS standard variables $0, $1, etc) and the instdir variable. And if you're wondering 'Synchronize between what?', I would suggest you stop trying to use the UAC plugin...

As for code examples, there are several nsi example files in the zip.