Archive: Strange behavior at samples

Strange behavior at samples
Hi everyone.

i am a newbie at NSIS and had faced strange problem. I installed "UltraModern User Interface" and compiled some shipped samples. After that I couldn'tsee any images at top, bottom and left sides of the new installer window.
I'm attaching screenshot of compiled sample. Can you help me with this problem?

Thank you.

Which NSIS Version and which UMUI Version do you have installed?

hi Highcoder,

NSIS was 2.46 ver. and UMUI was 1.00 beta 2. Do you suppose I see this because of beta-version of UMUI?


The UMUI 1.00 beta 2 2010-11-11 ? That´s the latest.

I don´t know. Normally it should work but you can try older UMUI versions.
May be you have to set write permissions (to the user) for the whole NSIS folder if you use Vista/7.
Have you looked into the graphics folder? Maybe of an install accident the graphics aren´t there...
