Archive: Can't search in registry with NSIS Registry plug-in

Can't search in registry with NSIS Registry plug-in
I'm trying to use it on Win 7 x64. I call ${registry::Open} to open a registry path for search, but unfortunately, it returns 0 - error result.

I tried compiling lines with ${registry::Open} from the example attached to the plugin, but received the same problem.

The installer is running elevated, I use UAC plug-in.

The line from my script which returns 0:

${registry::Open} "HKCU\Software\MozillaPlugins" "/K=0 /V=0 /S=1 /N='myplugindll.dll'" $0

Is the path correct? Is it in the 64-bit registry or 32-bit (Wow6432Node)?


The path is correct, it is in the 64-bit registry.

Then that is why. The registry plug-in still needs updating to use the SetRegView flag:


Thanks a lot for your reply!