Archive: Creating Custom Page

Creating Custom Page
I have a installer which has installs tools based on the ini file, I want to create a custom page, which should be visible only if there is some flag set in the ini file.If the flag is not set then the page should not be displayed. This is to be determined only on runtime.

Can anyone get me an example on creation of a custom page and also how to handle it in runtime.

-Shiva S

it´s not too difficult. And all of it you´ll find in NSIS manual with examplecode.

You need:
ReadINIStr command to read out tthe flag from ini and store into a variable.
Page Custom command and it´s function to show Custompage.
On Custompages you have 2 functions. One BEFORE it shows (creator function) and one leave function.
In the creator function you can put the "ifFlagExist-thenDisplay" checkup.

For the custompage itself (you want some controls there like textboxes, buttons, checkboxes) there are 2 options. You can use the InstallOptions Plugin or nsDialogs. Every of them has it´s advantages and it´s disadvantages.

So dig in Manual.

Happy scripting :)

To skip a page you can also call Abort.
